Dating etc.

Dating, Love, Romance, Match Making, Relationship, etc.

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Sunday, October 22, 2006

Modern Dating 101


An introductory guide to student romance in the naughties.

So you’ve done the hard yards of meeting someone and getting their number, which makes it seem kind of unfair that you now have to enter a whole new arena: The World Of Dating. And it sure is a jungle out there. So, in the search for some hard-and-fast rules to the game, I turned to my trusty 1956 version of The Pocket Book of Etiqutte. I’ve been getting endless hours of hilarity from this book – and I thought I’d attempt to update the rules for the modern student romantic.


Monday, October 16, 2006

Dating Skills

From "Unless you have a girlfriend, dating in college doesn’t really exist. So on the rare occasion that you do wine and dine a sexy sorority girl, you have concerns: Will she like you? Will you avoid awkward silences? Will you get laid? But most of all when the check drops onto the table, should you pay?"


Sunday, October 15, 2006

Who’s your love doctor?

According to msn dating: "You know the drill: You just got back from a first date and need to analyze it. A new guy you’re seeing calls (or doesn’t). You discover that your new beau cheated on his last girlfriend. What’s the first thing you do? Call your friends, of course. When it comes to figuring out matters of the heart, most of us dial our best female friends to analyze them before we even develop our own opinions."


Thursday, October 12, 2006

Should I pay my boyfriend's debt?

From MSN Money Central: "What should you do when your spouse or significant other can't seem to control his or her credit card spending?’s Debt Adviser offers a few ideas."


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

8 common dating lines-decoded

Latest from MSN Dating "It’s no secret that the language of love isn’t always the most, well, direct. That’s why so many single people spend hours analyzing emails from dates trying to figure out if “I’m busy at work” is a brush-off, or wondering whether that invitation of “I’ll make dinner for you” indicates a desire to share a whole lot more than a favorite garlic chicken recipe. How can you suss out what someone’s really trying to say? To help you out, we got a bevy of dating experts to decode eight common lines so you’ll spend less time scratching your head and more time communicating"

