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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

12 Steps To Overcoming Shyness With The Opposite Sex

Getting rid of your shyness may seem impossible but with a
little effort and the desire to be more outgoing with the
opposite sex then you can definitely overcome shyness. It is
important to know that the fears you feel when shyness hits you
is typically always much worse than the reality of the

1. Fake it until you make it! This is an infamous saying in the
sales world. In other words; mimic or act like someone whom you
admire. It is a great way to start teaching yourself new
behavioral habits.

2. Ask yourself why you are shy. Be honest with yourself. What
are your real fears? What do you think people see when they
talk with you? Answering these questions will help guide you
into separating reality with what you are mistakenly perceiving
it to be.

3. Work on building your self confidence. Yes, this will take
effort on your part by reading books on the subject or
listening to motivational tapes, but it works!

4. Learn how to use daily affirmations and positive mind
influence. Again, this takes work but the power to change your
shyness to confidence can come simply from saying things to
yourself every day like "I like myself!" or "I am a winner!"

5. This may sound silly but take time out alone to roleplay
situations that you get really nervous about. Pretend that you
are talking to that guy or girl that makes you shy. Be that
outgoing person that you wish to be. This roleplaying will send
messages to your sub-consciousness and help your inner-self

6. Dress to impress even if nobody is looking. Iron those
clothes! Keep that hair neat! In other words, always look your
best. This does amazing things to help you feel better about
yourself and overcome shyness.

7. Start projects in life that make you feel good. Start a
personal project, totally clean up your house clutter and your
car. Work on a new hobby. How can these things help you with
overcoming shyness? Simple by working on things that make you
feel good produces a natural aphrodisiac that turns you on and
which indirectly turns on people around you.

8. Reprogram your mental definition of shyness. This goes along
the same lines as using daily affirmations or by reading self
help books. By changing your perception of shyness instead of
having a negative attachment to the word, you will then help
re-create your outlook on it.

9. Learn to take risks. How many times did you just want to go
up to someone and tell them how beautiful they were, or how
impressed they were. As a daily exercise do this: Each day of
the week go up to a total stranger and say something nice. It
could be something as innocent as complimenting a pretty girl
on her hair or a guy with his shirt. Do not worry about the
outcome, do not worry about what they say, just do it!

10. Combat your fears of rejections by realizing that everyone
gets rejected at one point or another, everyone! Learn not to
take rejection personally. Use it as a tool.

11. Be honest and up front!... tell people that you are shy up
front, be honest with them. You will not believe just how
nervous and shy the other person is as well.

12. Last but certainly not least... pray to God. Share your
shyness with God and ask as him for the strength and courage to
overcome it.

11 Lucky Tips for Online Dating

If the Internet is better than sliced bread, meeting people
online is sliced bread with butter and marmalade (or
Nutella, if you prefer!). It’s convenient, time-saving,
levels the play field for introverts (actually it gives them
the edge), lets you avoid the bar scene, extends your reach,
and it works. I coach women looking for partners, I’ve used
Internet dating sites successfully myself, and I research
constantly to see which way the wind is blowing.

The wind is approaching hurricane force and it’s headed
right toward your part of the world. There are more men
looking online than women, as opposed to real life; there
are more people joining all the time as the word gets out;
and there are more people finding suitable partners through
this vehicle.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

1. Know what kind of relationship you’re looking for. Some
of the sites will give you a chance to specify, and all will
give you a chance to talk later, if not sooner, Most
feature the infamous “dating profile.” Since the Internet
offers plenty of avenues for porn, most people on the
legitimate dating sites are looking for relationships.
Specify. Long-term commitment, marriage a possibility,
companionship and maybe more, and “I don’t know” and “Let’s
see what happens,” are all legitimate responses.

2. Be honest. If you’re not, you’re wasting your own time
most of all, because you’ll be found out. You’re also
spreading bad karma. Supposedly over 50% of people online
lie about their age 5 years in either direction. If you
have a problem with your age, income, appearance, education,
etc., fix them, or fix your head. It’s relative, so focus
on what you consider your good points. You can count on the
fact that whatever you have to offer, someone is looking

3. Avoid signs of desperation. The dream date, of course,
would come on like James Bond, cool, confident, suave and
sophisticated, with an air of mystery. Desperate people
move too fast, say too much, and ask for too little. A man
who’s “any” for all categories – age, income, ethnic
background, religion, children, etc. isn’t looking for a
partner, he’s looking for a warm body. Pace your
interactions – one or two emails a day, 10-15 min. IM
sessions. Keep yourself under control. “Spilling” isn’t
attractive. No need to write your life story the first
time. That’s a turnoff. Keep it light. Save something for
next time.

4. Let someone else deal with the walking wounded. If she
starts off talking about her traumatic past experiences, or
specifies things like “No addicts, no liars, no
wife-beaters, no bankruptcy, no adulterers, no borderlines,
no hate-mongers,” etc., she’s showing you she’s not ready to
date. I have compassion for these folks; so do you. Most
of them will be fine with time and maybe you were there
after your divorce or breakup. But I get paid to coach them
to a better place, whil you’re looking for a viable date
right now, and a person with that kind of baggage has no
business being in a relationship.

5. Be selective. A writer on one male advice website claims
his great profile got him 56 female respondents last month.
Men lie in the area of their prowess, but however may
responses you get, be selective. You don’t have to answer
them all. If they’re really interested in you AND NOT
DESPERATE, they’’ll wait. Don’t have so many going at one
time that you confuse the people, because you’ll confuse
yourself. If the person you’re corresponding with gets your
details mixed up, move on, unless you want to be just
another pretty email in the inbox.

6. Give careful consideration to the area of sexual talk.
Everyone recommends the other sex bring it up first. It
doesn’t matter as long as it’s done tastefully.

7. Who initiates? It doesn’t matter who “winks” or writes
first, suggests the phone call, or asks for the date,
because you’ll find your personality type and there’s a pot
for every lid. There are cultural variations as well. As a
general rule of a thumb, if you’re a woman over 30 who’s
looking for marriage, make the man do all the work,
including all overtures and plans. If, because of that, he
considers you “too high maintenance,” you have a clear
indication he wouldn’t make a good marriage partner.

8. Rely on your intuition. Use your emotional intelligence!
If it’s too good to be true, it is. One sign of an
ambivalent dater (which you do NOT want) is someone who
comes on too strong at the beginning. If something gives
you the creeps, get away. If for any reason you don’t feel
comfortable giving personal information like your home email
or street address, don’t do it. Better safe than sorry, and
there’s no need to rush.

9. Your profile matters. Get some professional help and
feedback from a friend or two. Read the profiles of people
of your same sex so you can see what the competition’s

10. Your photograph matters more. Any professional
photographer can help you out. It’s worth it. Nobody
looks like their photograph, but you don’t want to eliminate
people because you have such a bad one. And please, don’t
be so crude, guys, as to put a photograph on there of you
with your last honey. (Could I have made that up?)

11. Get a coach. Online relationships start in writing, and
it’s easy to share what’s going on. Send the email to your
coach and get a second opinion. You can get advice as to
what to say, how to proceed, what to look for, so you look
like a pro, not an amateur. It shortens the learning curve.

12. Do us all a favor and don’t ask “Why is SHE/HE looking
online?” You are, aren’t you? Maybe you live in a remote
location, or don’t have time to run around at night, or
prefer a slow introduction, or want to shop nationally.
There are some super neat people looking online including
me, my clients, my sister, my last boyfriend, and … you!
Have fun, and good luck!

Monday, February 19, 2007

10 Online Dating Safety Tips For Seniors

Seniors represent the fasting growing demographic population
online. To assist in their online dating choices, I have listed
ten important safety tips to remember when joining an online
dating community.


Other than what state you reside in, please keep your specific
information to yourself as you meet your new friends. There may
be unsavory characters who will try to trick you into revealing
your part of the state or which town you reside in. Do not
divulge that information until you feel sure it is safe. The
decision should feel comfortable for you.


Keep your private email PRIVATE! A lot of people want to join
an online dating community, but not pay for the privilege of
getting to know you. Many online dating communities ARE FREE to
JOIN, but free members cannot contact other members of the site.
The safety in becoming a paying member of an online dating
website is we have your REAL information. Should it ever be
necessary, we can track down anyone who has paid for a
membership. This ensures your safety. Don’t be misled by phony
people who are on the FREE ride. That makes them cheap and who
needs a cheap date? Of course, there are some people who “test
the waters” before joining and I am not referring to those
folks. I am referring to the people who put their throw away
emails in their ads and ask that you contact them off the
website. This means you have now given someone you don’t know
your real email address unless you too create a throwaway email


Please post pictures that are current and be truthful about
your age. Current is a year or less. You want people to be
honest with you. Give that honesty FIRST!


Take your time developing your Profile. Many people tend to
gloss over the narrative (hobbies, interests and activities,
etc) but that is what will make you stand out from the crowd.
Write it in Word first and then copy into the dating profile.
This way you can read for grammar and typos that show up when
someone just wings it.


Define the kind of relationship you are seeking. If you are
looking for a companion but don’t want to be married SAY SO!
That way you won’t meet a wonderful person who is looking for a
husband or wife. Just be honest about what you seek. And give
yourself the option to change your mind.


BEWARE of those people who ask you a lot of questions about
your life, and lifestyle but offer little of substance in
return. It would be a smart thing to have a folder where you
store all email correspondence and keep track of what your
potential new friend says and has said. Any inconsistencies are
RED FLAGS. Please do not ignore them! Many people have
signatures attached to their emails. Turn this feature off if
it contains information such as a job phone number or a company
name (even if you are self employed).


No one should ask for personal information! Not ever! Email
relationships tend to take on a life of their own. You can and
do get a good feel for people but con artists DO prey on
seniors citizens. Let the information flow, but pay attention
to what you divulge, and how soon you give up personal
information. Your finances and or financial situation are
strictly off limits. Anyone who dares asks such information
should be cut off and reported to the website monitors. They
can handle the situation, as they deem necessary.


You should use a cell number as a contact number until you
REALLY get to know someone well. That would be more than one


This might seem to be a pain but think for a moment. If your
home phone number is listed, anyone can look it up online using
a reverse directory. With that info they can get directions to
your HOME! Keep your home number private for as long as you
need to verify all the information on your new friend.


First dates can be wonderful ways to finally meet your new
friend and what I will tell you is the same as you have heard
before. ALWAYS meet in public in a place where there is ample
parking close to the entrance. Make sure someone knows where
you are and have him or her call you a few minutes after your
meeting time to ensure you arrived safely. It will also let the
other person know that someone knows where you are and whom you
are meeting. Have this same person verify your safe return home
or meet them at another public place not far from your original
meeting place. Coffee or lunch dates are a great way to start a
new friendship.


TAKE YOUR TIME! Online dating is fun and should be an
enjoyable, safe way to meet people in your own time from the
safety and comfort of your home. Don’t rush into a relationship
but let it move as slowly as you need to be comfortable. LISTEN
to your gut feelings on your potential new friends. Have fun
and good luck in your search for a special friend or potential

10 Must Have Online Dating Tips

Have you ever thought of meeting people online? If so, meeting
people online can be great fun. Online dating has given us the
opportunity from our comforts of our own home to search for
that someone. Let your common sense prevail when searching
online and do not let your instincts lessen when making your
decision. Please see the dating tips below which will make your
search safe, a lot of fun and most importantly successful.

* Dating Tip #1

Most common form of introduction would be to say" Please Allow
me to introduce myself" I use this one myself, it helps to break
the ice and it is polite yet confident.

Have you ever tried to introduce yourself in a night club or a
bar? I am sure you have. Do you say "Hi my name is"... my
telephone number and my address is such and such... No I
thought not. When you introduce yourself on, please use common sense and do not
reveal any personal details about yourself. This is one great
thing about online dating. Take as much time as you need in
getting to know someone before being comfortable enough in
revealing all there is to know about you. So make sure you are
not pressured.

* Dating Tip #2

Do not lie about yourself on your profile. People will
eventually find out you are having them on.

* Dating Tip #3

Do take the time to complete the entire profile on the
registration form - Any unanswered questions say you could not
be bothered or are hiding something. Try and complete the form
as much as possible to let any potential contact know the real

* Dating Tip #4

Have you ever heard of the phrase "Honesty is the best policy"
I am sure you have. Honesty is admired yet dishonesty is being
disrespectful. Tell the people you are emailing your true
intentions and it should be the correct path to successful
dating. Always remember, that you must use your common sense
and judgement. I know it is not easy to judge who you are
contacting on the other side so please assess who you are being
honest with.

* Dating Tip #5

Now here is good dating advice. Add a nice photo. A photo of
you. A smiling photo. A smiling photo up close. A recent
smiling photo up close! Make sure your photos are recent
preferably less than 6 months old) and that you are happy.
Members with photos are likely to get up to 9 times more
replies than members without any photo image attached to their

* Dating Tip #6

Do not talk or brag about your ex. There is nothing more of a
turn off for people to hear about your previous
relationships. Instead focus on what you already have. The past
is often best forgotten.

* Dating Tip #7

Always try and reply to people's messages and reply in a
reasonable amount of time, not weeks later. If you are serious
about dating, you are serious about replying. They have taken
the time to talk or write to you and they may be really nice.

* Dating Tip #8

Has it ever happened to you where you are talking to a stranger
and you are wondering what they look like? Our brains tend to
create an image in our mind of what someone might look like. It
is only our natural instinct to do so. If you ever meet or met
the person they did not look anything like you had in your
mind? Am I right? Of Course. Unfortunately none of us are
psychic so I suggest you you ask for a picture and you can feel
more comfortable with whom you are emailing.

* Dating Tip #9

Always and I mean always meet your date in a mutual place
during the day which both of you are comfortable with. Always
advise a friend or a relative of where you are going and leave
a contact number. Do not leave any Drinks
unattended. Unfortunately and it must be said that we live in
cruel and sick world. Please if you have an alcoholic drink
then please drink moderately.

* Dating Tip #10

Be Realistic. Most fairytale stories do not have a happy
ending. If they sound perfect fit , it does not necessarily mean
send the wedding Invitations out yet. If this date does not work
out do not worry it will not be your last first date. If it does
not lead to a next date then pack your bags and move on to the
next potential candidate on your list. Do not be put off.

Remember there are plenty of fish in the Sea. So make sure you
choose wisely.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

10 Important, Easy Dating Rules for Your Success

1) Leave the mobile phone off! Do not answer it if it is on Silent either.You should only do this if you are expecting an emergency and I mean anemergency. You only look like a deadhead, self-centered fool answering aphone at a meeting that is important and that goes for all meetings. It'sinconsiderate and breeds contempt from the other party even if they agree toyou answering it. They're only being polite which you're not, if you do havea ringing phone and answer it. This does not mean leave it at home - you mayneed it later.

2) Don't smoke anything in the presence of others unless they also smoke andfor goodness sake make sure that no one near you is eating. Never smoke inan area where people are eating even if they smoke. You would be a fool tosmoke in the presence of your date when they didn't smoke. If you're keen,it may be time to think about not smoking in their presence again.

3) A good rule is not to talk about your achievements unless you are asked.Bragging is more often frowned upon and puts people off early. Show someinterest in your date and their hobbies achievements and interests. If youdo this regularly enough, it will become a habit and your good social skillswill become very obvious to others including your date.

4) Find some way to compliment them. This is good practice even if you don'tthink this person is right for you. What goes around comes around! This isalso a great building block for social skills improvement.

5) Smart casual attire is always good for the first date. Girls - don't goover the top with jewelry. It looks crass and sometimes cheap! Subtlety isthe name of the game here. Boys - don't swear or cuss. It only indicatesignorance and sometimes stupidity. It does not make you look tough. Youractions and the way you deal with life will show how tough you are quicklyenough. Most people can find an adjective somewhere in their vocabulary todescribe things. You'll find that you can too!

6) Most girls like to be respected and despite their eye lashes flutteringaway in some scenarios, they are generally quite bright and one step aheadof you. The more you treat them like your equal in conversation, the morequickly you will identify a good match for you or not.

7) Most boys like to have interest shown in their achievements or interests.In fact, you could just focus on this for the whole date and be safe if youwanted to.

8) Eat like a human being - don't quaff down the food like it's your lastmeal. Don’t fill up. This will ensure that you can feel good about doingsomething after you've dined i.e. dancing, a walk even consider about goingto a different venue for coffee, dessert, dancing or a drink perhaps. Mixingyou're venues often displays varying behavior. If your date begins to swingfrom a chandelier after one drink you may want to consider the futurecarefully.

9) Boys - if you enjoyed your date, say so at the end of the evening. Followup with a thoughtful gift such as flowers to her place of work or herdoorstep. It does NOT have to be expensive. The surprise is what counts herealong with the fact that you have obviously thought about her since thedate. Hand write the card and leave a phone number she can catch you on.

10) Girls - try not to make yourself too available at the end of your firstdate. But make your feelings clear with an element of subtlety. Whatever youdo not ask him if he will call again. Your mind set must be one of value andthat if doesn't call then there will be another who will.
One more thing - on your first few dates never and I mean never get in adiscussion of old boy friends or girlfriends, ex wives or husbands, noranything to do with these issues - Never!

5 Steps to Dating with Integrity

Here you are. You just have had another failed
relationship, wondering do I want to put myself back out
there to and try to meet someone just to be disappointed
again. How can you take a different approach this time?
How can you increase your chances when you do meet someone
you are interested in? How do you avoid dishonest people
in your search? These are the questions I asked myself
when I was single and I was looking for my life partner.
If you follow the steps outlined below, you will get better
results in finding your great lifelong relationship!

Step 1: You need to know yourself and your life goals

A client of mine is a divorced and is having a difficult
time getting back in the dating game. He really missed
having a steady relationship and didn’t feel very confident
about getting out there to date. He took a shotgun
approach on the internet and met a woman who came from a
different cultural background, including a different
religion. He was happy at first to meet someone who was
interested in him. As time went on, apparent differences
started to appear. Yet, he did care for this woman.

We worked to clarify his values as well as his goals for
his life. How did he picture his life in the future as a
married individual? First he wanted a family and one that
honored his faith. He realized this would be a big
stumbling block with the different cultures and religion.
He also valued being prudent with his finances and realized
his girlfriend had higher expectations than he could
afford. All in all their values were in conflict as well
as how they wanted to live their life in the future.

What if he knew this information before going into the
relationship? Perhaps he would have not ventured to date
this woman and save himself the heartache. N.ow he has to
start the dating and selecting process all over again.
However, he will select someone more congruent with his
values and lifestyle goals next time that will give him a
better chance to have success.

Step 2: You need to know what you need in a relationship?

What must you have in a relationship to make you happy? Do
you know? Do you crave romance, physical affection, a
significant amount time with your partner? Do you need
someone who is financially stable?

I know a women, Donna, who became smitten with my friend,
Roy, and visa versa. They dated for at least 3 months and
seemed happy. However, she lived in Virginia with young
children and he lived in Maryland (40 minutes away) and had
his own child. Neither would be able to move because of
the children. In addition, Roy had started a new career
that involved commission sales and was not yet financially
secure. Donna broke up with Roy because he didn’t earn
enough income for Donna. What a tragedy! Roy was

Just imagine that Donna and Roy knew that the distance
would be difficult in this situation and Donna knew her
financial needs from a partner. They would have not
invested their time and emotion in this relationship and
would have sought relationships that meet their needs.

Just a hint, if you feel needy in a relationship, some key
expression of love is missing for you.

Step 3: Do Take on the Tough Issues Early On

One of my clients was dating a man that she was falling in
love with and was very much attached to. After two months,
she discovered that he did not want anymore children than
the two he had from his previous marriage. She desired to
have a child of her own (a clear “must have”).

It was difficult, but she did decide to break up and try to
find someone who had the same goal as she did. Time is
critical for many women and learning this information
quickly is very important.

What if she brought the subject up on the second or third
date and said, “I’m looking to meet someone that I will
eventually marry and want children of their own”? She
would have found out right away that he choose not to have
another child. You say, how can I say this? Won’t I
scare the guy away? My philosophy is if the guy (or gal)
gets scared and runs away, let him (or her)! Any serious
contender will stick around.

Step 4: Don’t Get Too Physical Too Soon!

Time and time I see my clients get too physically involved
in a relationship much too quickly and then regret how
hooked in they became. They were in this quandary that
they liked the physical relationship but did not see a
future with the woman. And for women, there is a hormone
released during s.ex that makes us feel attached to the

Resist temptation! It’s so important to get to know a
person and let the emotional, intellectual connection, and
spiritual connection for some, grow first. This is a
foundation of a great relationship. If there is physical
attraction, that’s great. It’s not going anywhere.

Take at least 3 months to date and really get to know each
other without s.ex. If there is a desire to take the
relationship to the next stage, being exclusive with the
desire move in a serious direction, at least you know that
you have the same values, goals in life and want the same
things. Besides, if the relationship turns out not to be
right, you will be able to walk away with respect and may
be able to remain friends. This step alone will reduce the
risk of failing in a relationship again.

Step 5: Make a Commitment to Be Honest in Your Relationships

In my dating questionnaire, I asked the question, “In
dating and/or relationships, what makes you angry?” The
overwhelming response is dishonesty. Yes, we can’t
control how another behaves, but we can choose to be honest
to another person. They will respect you for your honesty.

I recently had a client role-play how she would tell a guy
that she was not interested in dating him. I asked her how
she felt when she said to him,” I enjoyed meeting you.
However, I do not feel that this is a good fit for me.”
She said she felt empowered and felt good about herself for
being honest and straightforward. I then asked her,” how
are you honoring this person by being honest?” She
replied,” I am showing them I respect them and not willing
to waste their time so they can find someone more suited
for him.” Bingo!

How can you prevent someone from being dishonest with you?
Go back to step #4! Take your time and get to know your
potential partner. The people dating with integrity will
respect you and want to take the time for them to get to
know you, as well.

By following the steps above, you are ensuring a better
dating experience the next time around. By being honest
and straightforward with others, you will gain their
respect and be someone they may recommend to a friend if it
turns out they are not the one. All in all, it will be
win-win situation.

Match-making website deals in disease-free dates

Looking for love in the twenty-first century can be complicated.
But, a new match-making website claims that it can help you find your soul mate - who's also disease-free. Right beside likes, dislikes, career, ambitions, you can now peruse a potential partner's sexual health status.

Friday, February 16, 2007

A modern guide to dating

The Back in the Saddle Date

The first encounter that puts you back into the game. Often follows a particularly devastating rejection or the demise of a long relationship.

What it means: You're not looking for Mr. or Ms. Right; you're just trying to rediscover your dating legs.

Dating’s new odd couples

On the road from dating to marriage, the white-collar guy used to be the destination, while the blue-collar guy was the fun detour for upwardly mobile women. But, judging by all the female lawyers, professors and marketing execs pairing up with cops, carpenters, and construction workers, hard-working “regular guys” have become the new destination. At its most glamorous, we see this trend expressed in the happy marriage of actress Sandra Bullock and motorcycle man Jesse James.

Online Dating Persona Differs From Reality

Online Dating Persona Differs From Reality

Skeptical about looking for love online? A new study by Prof. Jeffrey Hancock, communication and information science, and Catalina Toma grad lays out the truths and misconceptions about online dating.

Toma and Hancock decided to try a new research technique to match up the daters’ profiles to their actual appearances: they weighed them, measured their height and obtained their age from their driver’s licenses. This method differs from earlier studies because the researchers are actually taking the measurements themselves, instead of asking the participants to come clean about their measurements — or their lies...

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Online Dating: Can Social Networks Cut In?

Not enough love in your online dating world? If so, you haven’t looked very hard.

From the biggies, such as, eHarmony, Yahoo Personals, to smaller, niche Web sites like, JDate (for Jewish singles), sites that offer match-ups, hookups and dating prospects are, well, blooming. Even the newer social network sites like MySpace, BlackPlanet, CarDomain, and offer an opportunity to meet like-minded people. More...

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Online Dating Success Story

Steven and Cheryl were named South Dakota's success story of the year in 2006 by the online dating service eHarmony. More than ninety people are married ...

Trying to set a fire under online dating

EHarmony tries science and has Dr. Phil

[The Boston Globe] As Valentine's Day arrives , the online dating business is in the midst of an extreme makeover.

Internet dating was once scorned as the last resort of nerds and losers. No more: about 16 percent of all US Internet users -- or roughly 33 million people -- visited a dating site in 2006, according to JupiterResearch, and Americans spent $650 million last year on digital hookups. More...

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Online dating: The economics of love

But only about 5 percent of US Internet users purchase paid subscriptions to online dating services, and that percentage has hardly budged for several years ...

Monday, February 12, 2007

Online Dating: Why it Fails

Norton and his colleagues, including Dan Ariely of MIT and Jeana Frost of Boston University, initiated the study with the help of online dating services ...

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Online dating a modern hit

ONLINE dating is mechanical and efficient, reflecting modern society, according to relationships expert Lija Jarvis.But not in a bad way, Ms Jarvis, a representative of online dating website, said. More...

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Public declarations of attachment take over online dating

This newfound PDA -- public declaration of attachment -- has taken over the dating world, and that one small part of a MySpace or Facebook profile can make or break a relationship. More...
